2 BOOLEAN ALGEBRA If X is a set, there is a (unique) set the elements of which are all subsets of X; it written $(X). We have 0 e gJ(X), X e $(X); the relations * e X, are equivalent; the relations Y c X, Y e ^S(X) are equivalent PROBLEM Show that the set of all subsets of a finite set having n elements (n ^ 0) is a finite set having 2" elements. 2. BOOLEAN ALGEBRA If X, Y are two sets such that Y c X, the set {x e X | x $ Y) is a subset of X called the difference of X and Y or the complement of Y with respect to X, and written X — Y or Qx Y (or (J Y when there is no possible confusion). Given two sets X, Y, there is a set whose elements are those which belong to both X and Y, namely {x e X | x e Y}; it is called the intersection of X and Y and written X n Y. There is also a set whose elements are those which belong to one at least of the two sets X, Y; it is called the union of X and Y and written X u Y. The following propositions follow at once from the definitions: (1.2.1) X-X = 0, X-0-X. (1.2.2) XuX = X9 XnX = X. (1.2.3) XuY = YuX, XnY = YnX. (1.2.4) The relations X c Y, X u Y = Y, X n Y = X are equivalent. (1.2.5) XcXuY, XnYcX. (1.2.6) The relation "X c Z and Y c Z" is equivalent to X u Y c Z; the relation " Z c X and Z c Y " is equivalent to Z c X n Y. (1.2.7) Xu(YuZ) = (Xu Y)uZ, written X u Y u Z. X n (Y n Z) = (X n Y) n Z, written X n Y n Z. (1.2.8) X u (Y n Z) = (X u Y) n (X u Z) X n (Y u Z) = (X n Y) u (X n Z) (distributivity).